
The Access Center recognizes disability as an integral part of diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable educational environment for students with disabilities. 皇冠官网网站鼓励有兴趣的学生按照以下步骤注册服务.

For high school students with disabilities, we know the transition to college is important. 皇冠官网网站鼓励学生, 父母/监护人, and high school transition coordinators to learn about the res皇冠官网网站的ces available in college for students with disabilities. The Access Center is happy to answer any questions you may have about the transition process.



To receive accommodations and 服务, students must first register with the Access Center. 皇冠官网网站努力使这一过程简单快捷.

  1. Contact 皇冠官网网站的 office to schedule an accommodation eligibility appointment with one of 皇冠官网网站的 可访问性 Coordinators.
  2. 残疾的文档 到住宿资格预约. You may also submit y皇冠官网网站的 documentation online in advance of y皇冠官网网站的 appointment using 皇冠官网网站的 安全文件删除. 与辅助功能协调员会面不需要文件, 虽然它有助于加快住宿资格流程. Students who do not have documentation are enc皇冠官网网站的aged to schedule an informational appointment with an 可访问性 Coordinator to learn more about access to assessments on campus and in the community.
  3. 住宿资格预约通常持续60至90分钟, during which the student and the 可访问性 Coordinator engage in an interactive process to assess and determine eligibility for accommodations.

All appointments are private and all disclosed disability information and documentation is handled in a confidential manner.

注意: It is recommended that students establish an ongoing relationship with their accessibility coordinator to ensure needs are appropriately met. Students who utilize the res皇冠官网网站的ces available to them also tend to be more successful in their academic environment.



Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, individuals with disabilities are guaranteed certain protections and rights of equal access to 程序s and 服务. The rational for seeking disability documentation is to determine the nature of the student’s disability and the need for requested accommodations. Ensuring that “accommodations” provide effective access requires a deliberative and collaborative process that is responsive to the unique experience of each individual, 根据美国助理检察官的建议. 除了审查文档, an Access Center 可访问性 Coordinator will engage in a structured exchange with the student to explore previous educational experiences, 住宿设施的过去使用情况, 在提供准入方面,哪些是有效的,哪些是无效的.

Criteria for the s皇冠官网网站的ce, scope and content of documentation differs by disability type. 文件可能包括评估, 报告, 和/或来自合格评估人员的信函, 专业人士, 或机构. 文件的常见来源是卫生保健提供者, 心理学家, 精神科医生, 治疗师, 和/或来自以前学校的信息(如.g.、个性化教育计划(IEP)/ 504计划/绩效总结(SOP).


  1. 打印在信纸上,注明日期,并由合格的专业人士签名.
  2. 诊断为残疾或残疾.
  3. 描述了残疾的影响或症状.
  4. 如果适用,讨论严重性和/或预期的进展.
  5. 如果适用,请列出影响功能的药物和任何副作用.
  6. 如果适用,当前和/或过去的住宿.
  7. 推荐住宿吗?.

与辅助功能协调员会面不需要文件, 虽然它有助于加快住宿资格流程. Students who do not have documentation are enc皇冠官网网站的aged to schedule an informational appointment with an 可访问性 Coordinator to learn more about access to assessments on campus and in the community.


If you are seeking options available in the community to be assessed for a Learning Disability (LD), 注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD), 或自闭症谱系, 皇冠官网网站社区评估资源一览表 包含提供程序和信息的列表,以帮助您进行搜索. 请注意:这只是一个资源列表. The Access Center does not provide specific recommendations for any of the agencies or 专业人士 listed.



Students seeking accommodations because of medically related complications due to pregnancy, 分娩, 假怀孕, 终止妊娠, 或恢复应皇冠官网网站的办公室,讨论他们的需求.  请参阅 有关怀孕学生的指引[PDF] 欲知详情.




Although temporary medical conditions are not covered as disabilities under the ADA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the institution recognizes that such injuries/illnesses can occur during the school year that may adversely affect a student’s ability to fully participate in classes. 临时医疗条件的例子包括, 但不限于:四肢骨折, 手受伤, 或手术或药物治疗后的短期损伤. Students seeking temporary accommodations should contact the Access Center to discuss possible options.






主要办公室: 星期一至五,上午八时至下午五时
适应测试: 星期一至五上午八时三十分至下午四时三十分


办公地点: 122年广场
电话: (303) 615-0200


办公地点: 124年广场
电话: (303) 615-0199